No New Jails NYC
No New Jails NYC formed in September 2018, shortly after New York City Mayor de Blasio launched the formal approval process for his jail expansion plan to build and renovate 4 new borough-based jails, in part as a response to growing public pressure to close Rikers Island. A direct continuation of the grassroots efforts to close Rikers immediately, No New Jails NYC also drew on the success of previous of jail construction fights in NYC.
MISS MAJOR! Study Guide
Organizations advocating for trans rights, social justice, health/self-care, and abolition of the prison industrial complex.
Prison Culture: Essential Reading
Below Mariame Kaba created an essential reading list of useful articles/essays about mass incarceration.
Care not Cages! #COVID19DecarcerateSyllabus
This political education resource was first circulated online on March 20, 2020. It was last updated on April 19, 2020.
All of the following recommended readings are available online and free to access. In addition, you can find more than twenty years of writing across prison walls on issues of medical neglect, abuse, and violence in the online archive of CCWP’s inside/outside newsletter, The Fire Inside.
Access is Love
This is a list compiled by Sandy Ho, Mia Mingus, and Alice Wong for the #AccessIsLove project. For more: